Bats in Ireland

There are currently nine species of bats known to live and breed in Ireland. The most recent bat (and also our newest mammal), Nathusius’ pipistrelle, was discovered as recently as 1996.

With a wingspan of 12cm, Leisler’s bat is our biggest species weighing in at around 15 grams, less than a packet of crisps.

Our smallest bat, the pipistrelle, can eat around 3,500 small insects, such as midges, in one night. Bats make great guests at any barbecue!

Click on species below for more information (links to Bristol University site)

The lesser horseshoe bat has not yet been recorded in Northern Ireland.

For more information about other species found in Ireland


Welcome Bats to your Garden – Whether you have a tiny city garden or acres in the countryside, you can do your bit to help bats!

Bats a Fact! Education Resource for Primary Schools

We are delighted to announce our Primary Education pack ‘Bats a Fact’ complete with lesson plans, activity sheets and learning resources is now available to download:

FINAL Education Resource Final Activity Pack Bats a Fact! BATS A FACT QUIZ