Northern Ireland Bat Conference success

Our friends at Creggan Country Park secured funding and organised our first bat conference in the north west on Friday 6th March 2015.


Delegates are welcomed to the conference by Karen Healy, Committee Northern Ireland Bat Group and Environmental Officer, Creggan Country Park


120 people attended the event, which took place in the Drummond Hotel, Ballykelly. NIEA, representatives from councils and planners from across Northern Ireland attended as well as representatives from DOE, DARD, Ulster Wildlife Trust, RSPB, TCV, Forest Service and wildlife enthusiasts.

Environment Minister Mark H Durkan and Deputy Mayor of Limavady Alderman Jack Rankin welcomed everyone to the event.

A separate schools conference was delivered to 700 pupils between January – March 2015 in the North West, where pupils learned all about bats in Northern Ireland, took part in batty games and quiz and learned how to create a batty cafe hedgerow

The project was funded by NIEA Challenge Fund 2015



Dr Joe Nunez from Bat Conservation Trust



Dr Jon Lees, NIEA talks about bat crime


ballykelly ps bat conference

Pupils from Ballykelly Primary school after the Batty Schools Conference at Creggan Country Park