We have teamed up with our friends at Bat Conservation Trust to roll out roost counts across Northern Ireland in 2017.
Do you know of a bat roost near you, or do you have bats roosting on your property?
Help us monitor how different bat species are faring by taking part in the Roost Count. All you need to do is to count bats emerging from the roosts on two or more evenings during the summer.
It’s easy to take part and it’s not too late!
To sign up click here and select the link next to ‘Roost Count’
If you would like to take part in the survey but don’t have a bat detector, don’t worry! We can loan you a detector so that you can complete your survey just email [email protected] to request one.
Why not get the whole family involved and host a Batty BBQ with bat wings (chicken wings) and flying burgers. We can also send you some activities to entertain the kids as well including bat masks and stickers. Simply send an email to [email protected] to request a pack.