Free Training for Volunteers

Ambulance Drivers

Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Northern Ireland Bat Group can offer free training for new volunteers to become:

Ambulance Drivers;

– Licensed Bat Carers; and,

– Bat Roost Visitors.

An Ambulance driver’s duties will include answering phone calls from  members of the public who have found a bat, collecting bats and transporting them to a bat carer.

Licensed bat carer role requires long-term training often over a number of seasons.  Once fully trained and registered you will administer first aid, rehabilitation and long term care for injured/grounded bats.

Bat roost visitors are licensed to inspect known roosts, you will also be asked to visit suspected roosts to confirm species, entrance points and number of bats. The information you collect is then added to our Northern Ireland Bat Group records, and also passed on to Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) and the Centre for Environmental Data and Recording (CEDaR).

We will provide free training throughout the winter months (November – February) at various locations across Northern Ireland

Like us on Facebook on our Northern Ireland Bat Group page.

Bat Hand