Go Batty at Learmount

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Date(s) - 18th September 2014
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Learmount Forest

This family event involves a  bat tour of Learmount Forest, in a village called Park on the outskirts of Derry. You will learn how to use special bat detecting equipment and discover more about our amazing mammal friends from a local bat expert. We would advise participants to wear warm waterproof clothing and strong footwear. Suitable for ages 7+ only.

All equipment including torches will be provided. This event is free and organised in partnership with Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership and Derry City Council. Funded by Heritage Lottery Fund


Please note the event requires advanced booking as there are only limited number of places. Places awarded on first come first serve basis. To book a place contact Annie [email protected]


creggan 5oct 027


All outdoor events are weather permitting. Suitable for adults and children from seven years up, unless otherwise stated.