Our Annual General Meeting took place on Sunday 23rd April at Cultra Manor.
Thanks to our speakers Austin Hopkirk, Simon Pickett and Emma Boston for their fascinating talks on Leisler’s bats, BATLAS and Whiskered/Natterer’s in woodland.
We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to Pauline Campbell at CEDaR and Cultra Manor for hosting our AGM
We now have a new committee all set to give bats a louder voice in 2017

Dr Simon Pickett delivering his talk on Bat Conservation Ireland’s BATLAS programme

Dr Emma Boston outlined a pilot project undertaken by Bat Conservation Ireland on monitoring Natterer’s and Whiskered bats in woodland

Austin Hopkirk explains roost preferences of Leisler’s bats and the methods used in radio tracking bats

Members enjoying a catch up

Members discuss bat related issues over tea and scones

Congratulations to Toni Castello on winning first prize in the member raffle

Austin Hopkirk led members on a walk around the manor grounds to look for tree roosts

Some members setting out on the walk

Austin Hopkirk explains how to spot a potential tree roost and how to use an endoscope